amphyregulin-specific double helix oligo rna, double helix oligo rna structure and composition to prevent or treat respiratory diseases containing the same
summary Amphyregulin-specific double-stranded oligo rna, double-stranded oligo rna structure and composition to prevent or treat respiratory diseases containing the same, refers to an amphyregulin-specific double stranded oligo sirna, which It may inhibit the expression of amphiregulin with high efficiency and be effectively used for the prevention or treatment of respiratory diseases. In addition, the invention comprises hydrophilic and hydrophobic compounds, linked to the single-stranded amphyregulin oligo sirena by single covalent bonding or binder-mediated covalent bonding, so as to bind the same. increase the in vivo stability and efficiency of intracellular release of double-stranded oligo sirna, and for nanoparticles composed of oligo sirna structures. The anfiregulin-specific double-stranded siren structure in accordance with the present invention can increase the stability of the specific double-stranded siren without compromising the function of the double-stranded siren oligo specific for amphyregulin and at the same time can effectively increase the membrane permeability of the double-stranded oligo sirna. 1/1resumo oligo rna de dupla hƒlice especêfico para amfiregulina, estrutura de oligo rna de dupla hƒlice e composi‚ìo para prevenir ou tratar doen‚as respiratîrias contendo o mesmo, refere-se a um oligo sirna de fita dupla espec’fico de anfiregulina, que pode inibir a express‹o de anfiregulina com alta efici�ncia e ser efetivamente usado para a preven�‹o ou tratamento de doen�as respirat—rias. alžm disso, a inven�‹o compreende compostos hidrof’licos e hidrof—bicos, ligados ao oligo sirna de fita dupla espec’fico de anfiregulina por liga�‹o covalente œnica ou liga�‹o covalente mediada por ligante, de modo a aumentar a estabilidade in vivo e a efici�ncia de libera�‹o intracelular do oligo sirna de fita dupla, e para nanopart’culas compostas de estruturas de oligo sirna. a estrutura de oligo sirna de fita dupla espec’fico de anfiregulina, de acordo com a