The present invention provides a method for producing pork rib stew with Hovenia dulcis and potatoes. Pork ribs and Hovenia dulcis are boiled with water. A seasoning additive including dried red pepper powder, ground ginger, ground garlic, whole spring onion, soybean paste, refined salt, L-sodium glutamate, powdered black pepper, spring onion powder, onion powder, shiitake powder, Codonopsis lanceolata powder, and Chinese pepper powder is added. Outer leaves of cabbage are evenly added in order to be boiled together for a particular period of time and are then taken out. Meat broth is obtained by filtering the same through a fine sieve, and the pork ribs are aged for a particular period of time. The cooled pork ribs and steamed potatoes are added in a pot, and the cooled outer leaves are put thereon. Then, the meat broth is added, and perilla leaves, enokitake, sliced spring onion, and perilla powder are put thereon in order to be boiled and cooked.COPYRIGHT KIPO 2014본 발명은, 돈 뼈와 헛개 나무를 물과 함께 끓인 후에 고추가루, 다진 생강, 다진 마늘, 통 대파, 된장, 정제염, L-글루나민산나트륨, 후추가루, 대파가루, 양파가루, 표고버섯 가루, 더덕 가루 및 산초가루를 포함하는 양념 첨가물를 투입하고, 우거지를 골고루 뿌려 넣고 소정 시간 동안 끓이고 나서 우거지를 건져낸 후, 고은 체로 걸러 육수를 얻고 소정시간 동안 돈 뼈를 숙성시키며, 식힌 돈 뼈와 삶은 감자를 냄비에 넣고 그 위에 상기 식힌 우거지를 올려놓은 다음에 육수를 넣고, 그 위에 깻잎, 팽이버섯, 슬라이스한 대파, 들깨 가루를 올려놓고서 끓여서 조리하는 헛개 감자탕의 제조 방법을 제공한다.