(b) N provides an ant amp receiver; Iacute; geno quim amp; eacute; Rico (car) or C amp receiver; eacute; Lulas t (TCR), including an open external domain. Some aspects of the invention; oacute; n refers to polyvinyl chloride and polyvinyl chloride; oacute; Tido encoding charge(c) One or more C amp receivers; one or more C amp receivers; one or more C amp receivers; one or more t (TCR) receivers, including the external domains disclosed herein. Oacute; n refers to C amp; eacute; Lulas including car or TCR and its use in C amp therapy; eacute; Lulas T lt; / P gt;<;p>;LA INVENCIÓ;N PROPORCIONA UN RECEPTOR DE ANTÍ;GENO QUIMÉ;RICO (CAR) O UN RECEPTOR DE CÉ;LULAS T (TCR) QUE COMPRENDE UN DOMINIO EXTRACELULAR DIVULGADO EN LA PRESENTE. ALGUNOS ASPECTOS DE LA INVENCIÓ;N SE REFIEREN A UN POLINUCLEÓ;TIDO QUE CODIFICA UN RECEPTOR DE ANTÍ;GENO QUIMÉ;RICO (CAR) O UN RECEPTOR DE CÉ;LULAS T (TCR) QUE COMPRENDE EL DOMINIO EXTRACELULAR DIVULGADO EN LA PRESENTE. OTROS ASPECTOS DE LA INVENCIÓ;N SE REFIEREN A CÉ;LULAS QUE COMPRENDEN EL CAR O EL TCR Y SU USO EN UNA TERAPIA DE CÉ;LULAS T.<;/p>;