The feeding mechanism of ten rolls of bundling materials, which allows the feeding or supply of materials without the influence of the transfer and / or range change from the source of feeding to the compression chamber of children, Ensure that there is a stable and appropriate binding pressure to maintain the geometric time of the volume. Requirement 1: a film binding material feeding device for the angry machine with side wall,A feed collection device communicates with an angry compression chamber with film forming device A binding device, which shows a network coil, prepares the direction of the machine forward in a transverse way, and is equipped with a binding material moving from the machine to the child compression chamber, and a device discharging from the formed binding device, which is characterized by at least including: (a) An ivory disc is installed on the chassis, and the binding material is received from the mesh coil through at least one lever arm;In addition, there is at least one roll of free rotating accelerator installed at the bottom of the bound device, which receives the binding materials from the serving tray, and communicates with a part of the training device contained therein during operation.El mecanismo alimentador de material de atado de fardos ten rollo, permite la alimentación o suministro de material sin que éste sufra desviaciones y/o alteraciones en su extensión desde la fuente de alimentación hasta la cámara de enfardado - compactación, asegurándose una tensión de atado constante y adecuada que permita mantener la geometría de los rollos en el tiempo. Reivindicación 1: Un mecanismo alimentador de material de atado de fardos en rollos, utilizado en máquinas enfardadoras del tipo que presentan un chasis con paredes laterales, un mecanismo recolector de forraje en comunicación con una cámara de enfardado - compactación provista de un mecanismo de formación del rollo, una disposición de atado que presenta una bobina de red dispuesta e