Ермаков Вячеслав Иванович (RU),Ермакова Наталья Вячеславовна (RU)
The invention relates to the field of medical technology and is intended for the treatment and prevention of muscle spasm along the spine and other body parts directly by the patient or a massage therapist in the medical and sports and recreational facilities. Object of the utility model is to increase the effectiveness of massage for deep and bulky foci of muscle tension along the spine and other body parts. This problem is solved in that the universal mechanical massager comprising massaging elements designed as toothed wheels, the teeth of which are ostrorebernymi 10-20 mm in height, having a sectional triangle and are arranged parallel to the rotation axis of massage elements, and washers installed in a freely on the axis of rotation, at the ends of which are fixed on both sides of the handle, is able to change its shape depending on the arrangement of sequence elements at the axis. Performing massage elements in the form of cylindrical gears with axes disposed parallel to the teeth provides tumbler when moving along the spine edges of the teeth impacts across muscle fibers. The sharpness of the teeth edges and the height of 10-20 mm can increase the depth of the effects on muscle tissue and loosen and not fiber knead muscle tissue. Increasing the depth of the impact of the massage element teeth promotes elimination of deep congestion in muscle tissues is improved because of their circulation, oxygenation, and nutrients, and also contributes to the accelerated excretion of lactic acid accumulated in the muscles after exercise in athletes. The height of the teeth of gears width is selected depending on the patients muscle mass. Thus, when a massage effect on a patient with muscle mass unexpressed use gears with tooth height of 10.0 mm, with a more pronounced muscle mass use gears with tooth height of 20.0 mm. The height of the pointed teeth more than 20.0 mm is not suitable, since the distance between the pointed teeth massaging ribs increases, and effects on mus