The invention describes a pharmaceutical composition to combat multiple-drug-resistant bacteria in non-ocular infective conditions. Compositions comprisingglycopeptides, in particular vancomycin, and cephalosporins, in particularceftriaxone, are disclosed. Such compositions are found to be useful forparenteral administration for hospitalized patients with serious infections.Specifically, this invention also discloses a pharmaceutical compositionfurther including an excipient such as CVMC agent and is available in drypowder form for reconstitution before injection with a suitable solvent. Thepharmaceutical compositions of this invention have been found normally toenhance resistance to precipitation in solutions to be administeredparenterally. The invention also gives details of the dosage forms stored insealed containers to be reconstituted before use. The invention furtherprovides a process to manufacture these compositions and also a method oftreating a subject having non-ocular infective conditions due to multi drugresistant bacterium.