An apparatus for manufacturing an absorbent article, theabsorbent article including an absorbent core and a sheetwhereon the absorbent core is placed, including: (A) atransportation section transporting in a transport directionthe sheet whereon the absorbent core is placed and (B) abending section bending the sheet, in an intersecting directionthat intersects the transport direction, while thetransportation section is transporting the sheet, (C) a firstpart of the sheet, positioned in a bending point where thebending section bends in the intersecting direction the sheet,is distant in the intersecting direction from the absorbentcore, (D) a second part of the sheet positioned on an oppositeside of the first part from the absorbent core, in theintersecting direction, collapses onto a third part positionedon the absorbent core side from the first part, in theintersecting direction, by the bending section bending thesheet at the bending point, (E) the bending section furtherincluding a regulation section regulating an approach of thefirst part to the absorbent core, in the intersectingdirection, when the bending section is bending the sheet.