A procedure to diagnose the presence and severity of liver disease and \/ or to monitor the effectiveness of a treatment against hepatic Pathology in an individual.That leads to a score that includes: (a) conduct from the blood sample of an individual, unless a test fibrometer,(b) at least a fibroscan test to collect at least a series of Data in the assessment of liver stiffness (LSE)And (c) combining at least this test of fibrometer and at least one data series of LSE function in a binary Logistic regression mathematical formula p > = 1 \/ (1 + exp (- A1 - A2 - A0 X1, x2))Where A0 is a Constant, x1 and x2 are independent variables that correspond to the value of fibrometer obtained in Step a) and the value of fibroscan obtained in STEP (b),And A1 and A2 are coefficients associated with the value of fibrometer value of fibroscan and said,Thus giving the result of a New score for the diagnosis of the presence and severity of liver disease and \/ or the monitoring of the effectiveness of a curative treatment.Ra a Liver Pathology in an individual, where the Liver Pathology is a portoseptal significant fibrosis, severe fibrosis portoseptal, centrilobular fibrosis, cirrhosis,Persinusoidal fibrosis, having no fibrosis caused by Alcohol consumption.Un procedimiento para diagnosticar la presencia y/o gravedad de una patología hepática y/o para supervisar la efectividad de un tratamiento curativo contra una patología hepática en un individuo, que lleva a una puntuación que comprende: a) realizar, a partir de la muestra de sangre de un individuo, al menos un test de FibroMeter, b) realizar al menos un test de Fibroscan con objeto de recoger al menos una serie de datos sobre la Evaluación de rigidez hepática (LSE), y c) combinar al menos dicho test de FibroMeter y al menos una serie de datos de LSE en una función de regresión logística binaria matemática de fórmula p >= 1/(1+exp(- a0 - a1 x1 - a2 x2)), donde a0 es una constante, x1 y x2 son variables independientes que corresp