An impression gingival cuff for taking an impression during a restorationprocedure of adental implant osteointegrated in a jaw bone. The dental implant is engageablyconnectablewith an abutment having a prominent countour. The impression gingival cuff hasa tubular-conicalshape, a circumferential thin wall, two open ends including an apical endorientedtowards a tooth root and a proximal end oriented towards an occlusaldirection, an innersurface oriented towards the abutment and an outer surface oriented towardssurroundinggingival tissue. During installation of the cuff between the dental implantand the abutment,the apical end retains the prominent contour of the abutment so that the outersurface of thecuff pushes the surrounding gingival tissue away from the abutment. Thisallows taking anaccurate impression of both the dental implant and abutment in order tofabricate a highprecision restoration.