1. The transdermal delivery device comprising: a) a housing including sebyai) outer shell body containing the chamber access cover assembly for a fluid which is movably engaged with the outer shell body ii) an internal compartment comprising an open end of the delivery truck at the output channel and parovyrabatyvayuschego assembly compartment and takzheiii) a container holding the cartridge comprising an outer covering and an inner cartridge compartment configured to hold the cartridge of compressed gas, the container holding the cartridge, detachably engaged with the outer shell of the housing wherein parovyrabatyvayuschego assembly compartment located between open at the end Delivering the outlet passage and the container, the retaining cartridge and takzheb) parovyrabatyvayuschy assembly including sebyai) chamber assembly for a fluid, comprising a container for a fluid and a removable lid of the container for a fluid, and takzheii) carrying a valve operable to reduce the pressure of the gas being removed from the cartridge with pressurized gas and delivered a camera assembly for fluid, wherein the assembly parovyrabatyvayuschy substantially located in compartment parovyrabatyvayuschego uzla.2. Transdermal delivery device of claim 1, wherein the outer covering shell forms the inner otsek.3. Transdermal delivery device of claim 1, wherein the apparatus further includes a control node pereklyuchatelya.4. Transdermal delivery device according to claim 3, wherein the switch control unit is a mechanical switch or an electronic pereklyuchatel.5. Transdermal delivery device of claim 1, cat1. Устройство трансдермальной доставки, содержащее:a) корпус, включающий в себяi) внешнюю оболочку корпуса, содержащую крышку доступа к узлу камеры для текучей среды, подвижно зацепленную с внешней оболочкой корпусаii) внутренний отсек, включающий в себя открытый на конце доставочный выходной канал и отсек паровырабатывающего узла а такжеiii) контейнер, удерживающий картридж, содержащи