ЧУ Чаокан (US),КЛИК Роберт Л. (US),КАЛЛИ Эдвард Х. (US),ДАНКЭН Джеффри (US),ПЕТШАК Кшиштоф Р. (US),ШОУ Эдвард Эмиль (US),ВОНЕШ Майкл Дж. (US),ЗАХАРИАС Эрик Х. (US)
1. occlusive device comprising: an elongated member having a first configuration and the second arrangement, wherein the first arrangement has a relatively small profile passage and the second folded arrangement in which the elongate element has at least one modification for increasing the surface area, and surface resistance / or the axial profile of the elongate member, and wherein, after the introduction of alginate elongate member in the first arrangement has a first volume and the second arrangement - a second volume that is greater than the first obema.2. Apparatus according to claim. 1, wherein at least a portion of the elongate member to the second prone komponovke.3. Apparatus according to claim. 1 in which the elongate element is not prone to any of the first arrangement or the second arrangement, and wherein the second arrangement is selected proizvolno.4. Apparatus according to claim. 1, wherein in the first arrangement, the elongate member is tubular, and feedthrough, and in the second arrangement, it is limited napolnitelem.5 patency. Apparatus according to claim. 4, wherein the filler is gelem.6. Apparatus according to claim. 4, wherein the filler is an embolic veschestvom.7. Apparatus according to claim. 4, wherein the filler is a separate occluding ustroystvom.8. Apparatus according to claim. 1, wherein the elongated member is nityu.9. Apparatus according to claim. 1, wherein the elongated member is made of ePTFE.10. Apparatus according to claim. 1, wherein the elongate member is impregnated with a calcium rastvorom.11. Apparatus according to claim. 1, wherein the elongate member is impregnated gidrogelem.12. The apparatus of claim. 11 wherein the hydrogel contains a polyvinyl spirt.13. Apparatus according to claim. 1, in which the elongate element1. Окклюзирующее устройство, содержащее: удлиненный элемент, имеющий первую компоновку и вторую компоновку, в котором первая компоновка имеет относительно малый проходной профиль, а вторая компоновка сложе