Methods and kits for radiolabeling proteins and peptides with radiolytic isotopes, particularly yttrium-90, are disclosed, whereby sufficient purity, specific activity and binding affinity are achieved such that the radiolabeled protein may be directly administered to a patient without further column purification. Such kits and methods will be particularly useful in bringing radioimmunotherapy to the hospital and outpatient setting for the treatment of cancer.Otkriveni su postupci i kitovi za radioobeležavanje proteina ili peptida sa radiolitičkim izotopima, posebno sa itrijumom-90, č ime se dostiže radiohemijska čistoća veća od 95%, visoka specifična aktivnost i specifičnost vezivanja od najmanje oko 50% . Takvi kitovi i postupci bić e posebno korisni u dovođ enju radioimunoterapije u bolničko i bolesnikovo okruženje radi tretmana kancera.