The present invention concerns a drainable ostomy pouchcom-prising first proximal pouch wall and second distal pouch wall joinedtogetheralong the outer periphery to form a cavity for accommodating waste materialand to form an outlet portion with an outlet for draining the content of thepouch; an inlet provided in the first pouch wall for receiving waste into thepouch; a comfort layer provided at least on the distal side wall; a closuresys-tem with first and second fastener strips provided on at least one,preferablyboth exterior sides of the pouch walls for in cooperation to close the outletbyfolding the outlet portion upon itself, wherein the second fastener strip ispro-vided between the comfort layer and the distal side wall such that theoutletportion when folded up may be releasably secured to the comfort layerbe-tween the comfort layer and the distal side wall.