Equipment for changing a catheter, preferably, for drainage of the urinary tract, characterized by a mounting unit of a sleeve (1) and a sleeve (2) with a slit in the longitudinal direction and through which the catheter is inserted and removed ( 4), 5 sleeve assembly unit (1) consisting of: - a tubular grip piece provided with a longitudinal groove that allows the sleeve to be mounted around the permanent catheter; and - a branch in a single piece with the gripping part, which is designed for the sliding of the sleeve, as the sleeve gradually slides along the branch, producing an excision of the sleeve (2) along a groove with an opening in the groove such that the sleeve passes over a superior part of the gripping piece and, longitudinally, gradually surrounds a previously installed catheter; and is designed to enlarge the groove of the sleeve as the sleeve is gradually mounted above , so that the sleeve is guided by an upper part of the sleeve assembly unit on the catheter (4) to grip it around.Equipo para cambiar un catéter, preferentemente, para el drenaje del tracto urinario,caracterizado poruna unidad de montaje de un manguito (1) y un manguito (2) con una hendidura en sentido longitudinal y a través de lacual se inserta y se extrae el catéter (4), 5 unidad de montaje del manguito (1) que consiste en:- una pieza de agarre tubular dotada de una hendidura longitudinal que permite montar el manguito alrededordel catéter permanente; y- un ramal en una sola pieza con la parte de agarre, ramal que está diseñado para el deslizamiento del manguitoy, a medida que el manguito se desliza gradualmente por el ramal, producir una escisión del manguito (2) a lolargo de una hendidura con una abertura de la hendidura de tal manera que el manguito pasa sobre una partesuperior de la pieza de agarre y, en sentido longitudinal, rodea gradualmente un catéter instalado previamente;yestádiseñado para agrandar la hendidura del manguito a medida que el manguito se va montandogradualmen