Existing toothbrushes and oral cavity cleaning implements for infants and toddlers have made it difficult for parents to care for their children&primes hygiene because the shapes and other traits of the toothbrushes and implements were unappealing to infants and toddlers. Thus, the present invention is one for facilitating oral cavity cleaning by constituting oral cavity cleaning regions on an implement in the shape of a pacifier, to which infants and toddlers have an affinity. To this end, the present invention has focused on an oral cavity cleaner having the shape of a pacifier, which is usually favored by infants and toddlers, and has thus imparted cleaning regions at regions of the oral cavity including the teeth that require cleaning, while retaining the constituent parts of a pacifier that provides comfort to infants and toddlers. The cleaning regions have non-woven fabric or cloth for cleaning or bristles of silicon or other material attached thereon to cover the inner cheeks and the tongue in order to facilitate the cleaning of the teeth and the tissue of the mouth surrounding the teeth within the oral cavity. An external mouth-covering panel separates the inside of the oral cavity from the outside, and an external grip enables a manipulation by an infant or toddler or by a guardian to be transmitted to the inside of the oral cavity. An infant or toddler&primes swallowing movement is different from an adult&primes and is a broad motion that uses all the front facial muscles, such that simply through the act of sucking on a pacifier, sufficient cleaning of the teeth and other structures that require cleaning can be done via the cleaning regions inside the mouth, so as to differentiate the nipple-type oral cavity cleaner from other oral cavity cleaning products for infants and toddlers.COPYRIGHT KIPO 2015기존의 유아를 위한 칫솔이나 구강세정기구는 그 형태와 특성상 유아로 하여금 거부감을 느끼게하여 부모들의 자녀 위생관리가 어렵게 하였다. 이에 본 발명은 유아들이 친근한 공갈젖꼭지 형태에 구강세정부위를 적용하여 구강세정이 용이하도록 하기위한 발명이다.이를 위하여 본 발명은 유아들이 평