abstract the disclosure provides edible play treats (210) that are adapted for contact-responsive, play-inducing movement. the shape of the treats makes them wobbly and prone to rocking, partially rolling and / or spinning when contacted by an animal. Also provided herein are methods of using the edible play treats to induce play, increase the health and well being of an animal, maintain ideal body weight, or improve the quality of life of an animal. ______________________ translation of abstract summary patent invention: "fun edible pet snack". Revelation provides fun edible snacks that are adapted to move in response to contact and induce play. The shape of the fun snacks makes them unstable and prone to swaying, rolling and / or partial turning when they receive contact from an animal. Also provided herein are methods for using edible fun snacks to induce play, increase an animal's health and welfare, maintain an ideal body weight, or improve an animal's quality of life.abstract the disclosure provides comestible play treats (210) that are adapted for contact-responsive, play-inducing movement. the shape of the treats makes them wobbly and prone to rocking, partially rolling and/ or spinning when contacted by an animal. also provided herein are methods of using the comestible play treats to induce play, increase the health and well-being of an animal, maintain ideal body weight, or improve the quality of life of an animal. ______________________ tradução do resumo resumo patente de invenção: "petisco divertido comestível para animais de estimação". a revelação fornece petiscos divertidos comestíveis que são adaptados para se moverem em resposta ao contato e induzir à brincadeira. o formato dos petiscos divertidos torna-os instáveis e pro-pensos ao balanço, à rolagem e/ou ao giro parcial quando eles rece-bem o contato de um animal. são também fornecidos aqui métodos para utilizar os petiscos divertidos comestíveis para induzir a brincadeira, aumentar a saúde e o b