This Hair is bright to be provided Drug Wu Group and closes object, it includes with what Ba Xiang Delivery send control Treatment Elixirs He ?Broken Elixirs with Zhi Treatment Over degree proliferative diseases (hyperproliferative disease) ?Load Body. Ci ?Load Body Ba Xiang Group Fen Shi With Cargo Wu Group point (carg0component) (its can be control Treatment Elixirs Huo ?Broken Elixirs) idol United Huo person With include control Treatment Elixirs Huo ?Broken Elixirs Satisfied meter Teeth Li Group conjunction object idol United cystine molecule. This Hair is bright also provide Tong Over Ba Xiang Over degree proliferative diseases Fine Bao Yi Delivery send control Treatment Elixirs Huo ?Broken Elixirs From and the method for Come Zhi Treatment Over degree proliferative disorders.本發明提供了藥物組合物,其包含用於靶向遞送治療劑和診斷劑以治療過度增殖性疾病(hyperproliferative disease)的運載體。此運 載體的靶向組分是與貨物組分(carg0component)(其可以是治療劑或診斷劑)偶聯或者與包含治療劑或診斷劑的納米顆粒組合物偶聯的胱氨酸分子。本發明也提供了通過靶向過度增殖性疾病細胞以遞送治療劑或診斷劑從而來治療過度增殖性病症的方法。