This Hair is bright to disclose the Yi Seed Pressure Li Minus Pressure Lose send Xi Systems low with what Right mono- Group Woven position Shi Jia mono- Minus comprising one has an access Ji the manifold Lose at the ends Yi Far, which send pipe , The Far end The Agencies to make Yi The Over Pi Skin Cha Ru And, adjoins the placement of the positions Group Woven O The. Move materials can be flowed by providing one, and Guan The Over Pi Skin Lose can be sent to send Zhi the positions The Group Woven by The manifolds Lose. The can flow the gap that the positions O The Group Woven are adjoined in Move material energy Enough fillings one, to form the manifold in logical and his like the channels Move a Ju You Complex Number Ge With The Group Woven position Liu Body Even. Ti Gong mono- Minus Pressure Lose send pipe, and it is logical that The of Neng Enough With The manifolds etc. flows Move Tong Dao Liu Body Even.本發明揭示一種用於對一組織部位施加一減低之壓力之減壓輸送系統,其包括一具有一通路及一遠端之歧管輸送管,該遠端經構造以經過皮膚插入並毗鄰該組織部位放置。提供一可流動材料,其可藉由該歧管輸送管經過皮膚輸送至該組織部位。該可流動材料能夠填充一毗鄰該組織部位之空隙,以形成一具有複數個與該組織部位流體連通之流動通道之歧管。提供一減壓輸送管,其能夠與該歧管之該等流動通道流體連通。