ЖЕРЛИГАН Пьер-Ив (US),ЖЮБЕН Филипп Ф. (US),КЛАТТЕРБАК Тимоти А. (US),ДАМОДХАРАН Радхакришнан (US)
1. A method for designing contact lenses noncircular lenses to improve stability, rotation and centering on the eye, comprising: determining the geometry of the upper eyelid of at least one eye of the patient determining the surface geometry of at least one eye of the patient, the initial task of geometric shapes noncircular outer contour of the contact lens -calc first overlay surface portion between the upper lid and the top of the noncircular contact lens when the contact lens is non-circular in the optimal course position of an eye, the eye surface geometry defined, the calculation of the second overlay surface portion between the upper lid and the top of the noncircular contact lens when the contact lens is non-circular at least in the eye the optimum position determined by the geometry of the surface of the eye imaksimizatsiyu difference between the first and second surface portion overlaid by changing the geometrical shape of the noncircular outer contour of the contact linzy.2. A method of constructing noncircular contact lens according to claim 1, further comprising: a. Determining the geometry of the lower eyelid of at least one eye of the patient, the calculation of the first overlay surface portion between the lower eyelid and the lower portion noncircular contact lens kogdanekruglaya contact lens is in optimum end position on the eye, determined by the geometry of the eye, to calculate a second surface of the overlay area between a lower eyelid and the lower non-circular part of the contact lens when the contact lens is non-circular locat ditsya least in its optimum position in the eye, determined Geom1. Способ конструирования некруглых контактных линз для улучшения стабильности линзы, вращения и центрирования на глазу, включающий:определение геометрии верхнего века по меньшей мере одного глаза пациентаопределение геометрии поверхности по меньшей мере одного глаза пациентазадание начальной геометрической формы внешнего контура некруглой контактной линзы