Abstract disclosed is a dental prosthesis comprising an implant abutment, customised, restoration and an implant screw for securing the customised abutment to the implant.Wherein the implant comprises a screw bore extending from the first end of the implant is receiving at last the part of the implant screw.The customised abutment comprises a through going bore for receiving at least a part of the implant screw.The screw bore and the through going bore are coaxially aligned along an implant axis when the implant screw is arranged in the screw and through going bore.The abutment comprises a base and a customised customised abutment abutment top where the customised abutment base and the customised abutment top defines an axis along which they were stick assembly.Bled during manufacturing, where the implant axis is different from the assembly axis._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ translation of the summary summary patent of invention: "dental support custom is called away two customizable parts ".This is a dental prosthesis comprising an im - plant, personalised support, a restaurant and a screw of implant to arrest the personalized support to implant.In which the implant comprises an orifice of the screw that extends from a first end of the implant to receive finally a part of the screw implant.The personalized support comprises an orifice atravessante to receive at least a part for spindle of implant.The orifice of the screw and the orifice atravessante are aligned coaxialmente along a geometric axis of the implant when the screw is provided in the screw implant and in the hole atravessantAnd,The support comprises a supporting base data - cess and a top of the personalized support as the basis of personalized support and the top support customized geo metric defines a major axisGem over which they were installed during manufacture, in which the geometric axis of implant is different from the geometric axis of the assembly.abstract disclosed is a dental p