"Home Impression Kit" Gameday International have developed a "Home impression Technique" using a series of available dental products, packaged up in a "Home Impression Kit" The "Kit" provides clients the appropriate materials to take an accurate dental impression (mould) of their own mouth, for the purpose of constructing dental appliances that are to be manufactured from the returned impressions to our dental laboratory. The "Home impression technique" requires Gameday to provide Dental impression material, Thermoplastic lmpression tray and instructional Video.
#$%^&*AU2015100268A420150521.pdf#####ABSTRACT The invention relates to a home impression kit postage packaging including a thermoplastic impression tray and curing polyvinylsiloxane silicone for high precision impressions that allow individuals to take an accurate and stable intra oral impression of their mouth. This allows a custom fitted mouthguard to be made without having to visit a dental health professional.