Petrunko Olga Vyacheslavna,Петрунько Ольга Вячеславна,Mikhalevich Isaj Moiseevich,Михалевич Исай Моисеевич
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medicine, namely to psychiatry. Carry out a prognosis for the development of a chronic course of a depressive disorder. At the same time, the following risk factors are assessed: the presence of unfavorable early childhood experience, continuation of labor activity, widowhood, hereditary burden of mental illnesses, exogenous brain compromise and cerebral vascular pathology, harmonious premorbid personality traits, the duration of the period of pre-psychiatric observation, the duration of the disease from the manifesto, prolonged psychotraumatic situations, gradual pace of the onset of the current depressive episode, resistance to previously conducted adequate psychopharmacotherapy. Set their grades and numerical values. Then the prognostic coefficients F1 and F2 are determined by mathematical formulas. When F1 is more than F2 predict a high risk, while at F2 more F1 – low risk of developing chronic course of depressive disorder.EFFECT: method provides an opportunity to assess the risk of developing a chronic course of a depressive disorder, allows to increase the effectiveness and focus of preventive and curative measures, to correct “controlled” factors in groups of patients with a high risk of developing a chronic course of depressive disorder by defining informative risk factors and calculation of prognostic factors taking into account the revealed values of risk factors.1 cl, 1 tbl, 2 exИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к психиатрии. Осуществляют прогноз развития хронического течения депрессивного расстройства. При этом проводят оценку следующих факторов риска: наличие неблагоприятного раннего детского опыта, продолжение трудовой деятельности, вдовство, наследственная отягощенность психическими заболеваниями, экзогенная компрометация головного мозга и сосудистая патология головного мозга, гармоничные преморбидные личностные особенности, длительность периода допсихиатрического наблюдения, длительность забол