Disclosed herein is a catheter apparatus for cranial cavities which exhibits the advantage of a conventional catheter structure in that a medicine and a bodily fluid are transferred along different paths, uniformizes the outer diameter of a catheter (30) to easily use stereotactic equipment, and facilitates tunneling of the rear end of the catheter (30) in a bypass space between the skull and the skin, so as to allow an operation to be simply and easily performed and thus to increase safety in operation. The catheter apparatus is advantageous in that no protrusion is formed on the outer surface of the catheter (30) so as to easily and accurately locate the end of the catheter (30) in a cerebral ventricle, the catheter (30) may be easily bent through the bypass space, and the rear end of the catheter (30) may be easily exposed to the outside through a perforated part.本發明涉及一種顱腔導管裝置,包括:由中央形成有將血腫或腦脊髓液在內的體液排到體外的排出管,排出管的前端部形成有多個排出孔,向排出管的外側所定部形成有藥物輸送管,藥物輸送管的後端部由收尾材料進行封閉,可將導管置於腦室後在所定部插入塑膠管注入藥物的導管;在塑膠管上結合延長管的狀態下固定該塑膠管和延長管相互不脫離的捆紮材料組成。本發明提供保持將藥物與體液分別通過不同的路徑輸送的原有導管結構的優點的同時,讓導管的外徑保持一定的大小,以更容易使用讓導管的端部準確地位於腦室上的腦定位儀器,且使得在顱骨與皮膚間的迂回空間裡導管後端部的隧道貫穿更容易,讓手術變得更簡單,從而提高手術安全性的顱腔導管裝置。