Across the limb section elastic force accessory of one kind, it include: at least a pair of be separated from each other and opposite separator, aforementioned separator is respectively provided with a masking face and a contact surface, an elastic force connector extended along an elastic force direction, affixed section at least one elastic reaction section and difference position what aforementioned flexible acting section two sides, each aforementioned affixed section is separately connected one of above-mentioned separator of fixed what; And plural number is respectively by the fixing piece of the above-mentioned affixed section above-mentioned separator that is connected to of above-mentioned elastic force connector.一種跨肢段彈力輔具,包括:至少一對彼此分離且相對的分隔件,前述分隔件分別具有一遮蔽面及一接觸面、一沿著一個彈力方向延伸的彈力連接件,具有至少一個彈性作用段、及分別位於前述彈性作用段兩側的固接段,每一前述固接段分別連接固定於上述分隔件之一;以及複數分別將上述彈力連接件的上述固接段連接固定至上述分隔件的固定件。