A syringe for intratympanic injection, which allowssecure recognition that an infusion in the syringe is ata temperature within a temperature range suitable for theadministration into the tympanic cavity just beforeinjection is provided. A syringe for tympanic injectionfor direct injection of an infusion in a barrel 12into the tympanic cavity, having first and secondreversible temperature indicators 20.25 provided on anouter surface 12b of the barrel, wherein an indicationbased on difference temperatures at which the reversibletemperature indicators 20.25 change in color allowsvisual recognition of a range of injection temperaturesuitable for administration into the tympanic cavity. Inthis way, the range of injection temperature suitable foradministration into the tympanic cavity can be indicatedin a way that allows visual recognition, and by seeingthe reversible temperature indicators 20, 25 just beforeinjection, a user of the syringe for tympanic injection10 can certainly recognize that the infusion in thebarrel 12 is at a temperature within the temperaturerange suitable for the administration into the tympaniccavity.