Yi Seed Zi Move Give Shui Kong Installed are set, and include a Yi Tone Festival Mo Group and Kong Mo GroupTone Festival Mo Group have one to be controlled out Shui With Fou Tone Festival Valve by Flooding Move News No. by the roads Move Electricity Flooding of the raw Flooding Move News No. of control News No. Kong Productivity and oneKong Mo Group have a controller, one Class ratios/Number Wei Turn Change devices, one Ji Yi Body, Yi Meter Time devices, one Lose enters interface and a Lose goes out interface, controller control Lose enters the sunshine Surveillance Measuring News No. that interface obtains the ponds too Yang energy Electricity, one of the Warm Du Surveillance Measuring Meter that one of rainfall Surveillance Measuring Meter rainfall Surveillance Measuring News No. and Kong Mo Group Inner are built Warm Du Surveillance Measuring News No., The Class ratios/Number Wei Turn Change devices Class ratios/mono- sunshines of Number Wei Turn Change As, rainfall and Warm Du Liang Measuring Capital material notes Recording whats Ji Yi Body, Broken, which is sentenced, according to the sunshine Liang Measuring Capital material of mono- Duan Qi Inter of According notes Recording again goes out the fixed best Gong Shui Time Inter of white Day Hei Ye Week Qi Yi Decision, And what The Gong Shui Time Inter Time enable The Lose go out interface Lose and control News No. Yu Tone Festival Mo Group out, enable the raw Flooding Move News No. Yu Tone Festival Valve of Flooding Move Electricity Lu Productivity to control water outlet.一種自動給水控制裝置,包含一調節模組及一控制模組;調節模組具有一受一控制訊號控制產生一驅動訊號之驅動電路,及一受驅動訊號控制出水與否之調節閥;控制模組具有一控制器、一類比/數位轉換器、一記憶體、一計時器、一輸入介面及一輸出介面,控制器控制輸入介面取得太陽能電池的一日照偵測訊號,雨量偵測計之一雨量偵測訊號和控制模組內建的溫度偵測計之一溫度偵測訊號,經類比/數位轉換器類比/數位轉換為一日照、雨量及溫度量測資料記錄於記憶體,再依據一段期間記錄的日照量測資料判斷出白晝黑夜週期以決定最佳之供水時間,並於該供水時間時令該輸出介面輸出控制訊號予調節模組,令驅動電路產生驅動訊號予調節閥以控制出水。