Pharmaceutical composition comprising at least a 4% carbidopa and levodopa, meglumine and optionally arginine; arginine and Liquid composition comprising entacapone and tolcapone; Process for Preparation and use in a Neurological disorder or Movement.
Provided herein, in part, is a method of treating a neurological or movement disorder in a patient in need thereof, comprising subcutaneously administering to said patient a pharmaceutically acceptable composition comprising comprising carbidopa, levodopa and arginine, and compositions that can be used in the disclosed methods.<;p>;COMPOSICIÓ;N FARMACÉ;UTICAMENTE QUE TIENE UN PH DE 9,1 A 9,8 A 259C Y QUE COMPRENDE: (I) 4% A 12% EN PESO DE LEVODOPA; CARBIDOPA Y 9% A 30% EN PESO DE ARGININA; (U) 6% A 20% EN PESO DE LEVODOPA; 1% A 6%, EN PESO DE CARBIDOPA; Y ARGININA, O MEGLUMINA, O AMBOS ARGININA Y MEGLUMINA; Ú;TIL PARA TRATAR UN TRASTORNO NEUROLÓ;GICO O DEL MOVIMIENTO TAL COMO LA ENFERMEDAD DE PARKINSON. SE DESCRIBE TAMBIÉ;N UN PARCHE TRANSDÉ;RMICO COMO FORMA FARMACÉ;UTICA.<;/p>;