Disclosed is a portable mobile communication device with biochemical detection, comprising a circuit board connected to at least one power supply unit, at least one communication unit, at least one light-emitting source unit, and at least one data collecting and processing unit. The portable mobile communication device with biochemical detection of this invention may be a wearable or mobile device, whereby a user can detect a tissue in the oral cavity anytime and anywhere, in addition, can detect whether the skin tissue is mutated or not and whether the blood oxygen concentration is normal or not, without going to an outpatient service specially, and can find lesions in advance, thereby realizing early detection and early treatment for raising the survival rate.一種具有生化檢測可攜帶的行動通訊裝置,係包括:一電路板,該電路板連接至少一電源供應單元、至少一通訊單元、至少二發光源單元,以及至少一資料收集及處理單元。本發明具有生化檢測可攜帶的行動通訊裝置可為穿戴式或行動裝置,藉此,可讓使用者隨時隨地可檢測口腔內組織,另外也可檢測皮膚組織是否有變異,血氧濃度是否正常,不需特地到門診就可以檢測,可提前找出病變,早期發現、早期治療,提高存活率。10‧‧‧具有生化檢測可攜帶的行動通訊裝置11‧‧‧電路板12‧‧‧電源供應單元13‧‧‧通訊單元14‧‧‧發光源單元16‧‧‧資料收集及處理單元161‧‧‧記憶體單元162‧‧‧標準資料數值163‧‧‧警示單元20‧‧‧遠端通訊裝置