1. The non-aqueous liquid containing no ethanol nanosized taxane composition, comprising: a taxane oil nonionic surfactant ikomponent non-aqueous solvent in the form of an organic acid, wherein component in the form of an organic acid is soluble in the nonaqueous solvent and the amount by weight of a nonionic surfactant equal to or greater than the amount by weight of the nonaqueous solvent or wherein the taxane is docetaxel and a component in the form of an organic acid is soluble in a nonaqueous solvent and substantially binding Boden from any conjugated osnovaniya.2. Microdispersible composition according to Claim. 1, where the taxane is present in an amount ranging from about 0.5 to about 5% mas.3. Microdispersible composition according to Claim. 1, where the taxane is present in an amount of about 2% mas.4. Microdispersible composition according to any one of claims. 1-3 wherein the taxane is paklitaksel.5. Microdispersible composition according to any one of claims. 1-3 wherein the taxane is dotsetaksel.6. Microdispersible composition of claim. 3, wherein the taxane is an anhydrous dotsetaksel.7. Microdispersible composition of claim. 3, wherein the taxane is docetaxel trigidrat.8. Microdispersible composition according to Claim. 1, wherein the oil is selected from the group consisting of synthetic oils, vegetable oils, tocopherols and their kombinatsiy.9. Microdispersible composition according to claim. 8, wherein the oil is selected from the group consisting of soybean oil, olive oil, sesame oil, corn oil, medium chain triglyceride, tocopherol or a derivative of them and their kombinatsiy.10. Microdispersible composition according to Claim. 1, where the oil is present in an amount ranging from about 1 to about 20% mas.11. nanosized1. Неводный не содержащий этанола жидкий нанодисперсный состав таксана, содержащий:таксанмаслонеионное поверхностно-активное веществоневодный растворитель икомпонент в виде органической кислотыгде компонент в виде органической кисл