The invention relates to a storage and mixing system for pasty two-componentpolymethyl methacrylate bone cements, the storage and mixing system comprisingatubular cartridge (1) having a cylindrical inner chamber (9), a dispensingplunger (7)that is axially displaceable in the inner chamber (9) of the cartridge (1), apartition (22)disposed axially in the tubular cartridge (1), a cartridge head (30, 36),which closes oneend of the tubular cartridge (1), wherein the cartridge head (30, 36) has aslot-shapedopening, wherein the partition (22) protrudes from the inner chamber (9) ofthecartridge (1) through the slot-shaped opening of the cartridge head (30, 36),whereinthe partition (22) divides the cylindrical inner chamber (9) of the cartridge(1) boundedby the dispensing plunger (7) and the cartridge head (30, 36) into twocavities (24, 26)that are spatially separated from one another, wherein a first pasty cementcomponentis present in the first cavity (24) and a second pasty cement component ispresent inthe separate second cavity (26), and wherein the partition (22) is removablethroughthe slot-shaped opening of the cartridge head (30, 36) so that the twoseparate cavities(24, 26) are connected to one another after the partition (22) is removed.The invention also relates to a method for mixing pasty cement components of apastypolymethyl methacrylate bone cement, using such a storage and mixing system.