this patent application relates to a method for the preparation of a custom program for the identification of susceptibility to macronutrienti of an individual.including the steps of: a) sampling and genotyping of dna from an individual.identification of genetic polymorphisms are listed in table 1; (b) assigning a score to each of these genetic polymorphisms; (c) assessment of the lifestyle of the individualor by monitoring of parameters chosen in the group consisting of: diet, exercise, exposure to the sun, stress, hours of sleep, the climate of the place of residence, living in the city.use of nutraceutici.use of cosmetics; (d) the allocation of a score to each of the parameters of the life style of point c); construction of a cross index of genetic susceptibility myiddna.through the use of an algorithm genotype / phenotype / way of life / environment that puts the score given to the point (b) for the genotype of the patient.with the score given in (d) for the lifestyle of the patient and is in connection with the same; (f) building a customized index of metabolic sensitivity by drawing upthe index of genetic susceptibility myiddna and the sensitivity of the subject macronutrienti; (g) the creation of a dynamic plan for the control of food intake and caloric for bitingthe environmental food to the the choice and quantity of food is determined on the basis of the index of metabolic sensitivity obtained point (f) and on the basis of the relationship between this index and an index of espressionand epigenetics.La presente domanda di brevetto riguarda un metodo per la elaborazione di un programma personalizzato per l’identificazione della sensibilità ai macronutrienti di un individuo, comprendente le fasi di: a) Campionamento e genotipizzazione del DNA di un individuo, per identificazione dei polimorfismi genetici elencati nella Tabella 1; b) Assegnazione di un punteggio a ciascuno dei suddetti polimorfismi genetici; c) Valutazione dello stile di vita