Способ выполнения конъюнктивального разреза и наложения на него шва при выполнении микроинвазивных антиглаукомных операций с формированием фильтрационной подушки
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medicine, namely ophthalmosurgery. To perform a conjunctival incision and superimpose a suture during microinvasive antiglaucoma operations with the formation of a filtration cushion, the conjunctival incision is made along the limb without an indentation from the limbus, 2.5–3 mm in length. Before applying the seam, the free edge of the conjunctival flap is stretched along the limb to the angle of the surgical incision, its position is modeled, excluding the diastase of the wound. Continuing to hold the conjunctiva in a stretched position, at the inner side of the conjunctiva at the edge of the incision, before the fixation site of the stretched flap, the needles are injected at a distance of 1 mm from the angle of the cut and 1 mm from the edge of the incision. Needle and thread are pulled through the needle prick. Further, the needle is moved clockwise, a loop from the thread is formed. Then the needle continues the movement in the same direction, the limb zone is needled 1 mm from the beginning of the conjunctival incision, needle is pulled under the conjunctiva and laid out outside the loop at a distance of 1 mm from the beginning of the incision, and the needle is laid out partially. Then the tweezers grip the conjunctiva inside the loop at a distance of 1 mm from the first incision and this duplication is put on the needle. After this, the needle is pulled through the conjunctival tissues strung on it, followed by the thread directed under the initially formed loop. Then they pull the thread, tightening the loop, form the knot, cut the ends of the thread.EFFECT: method allows to reduce operational and postoperative complications, to exclude discomfort sensations in patients in the postoperative period due to the location of the seam outside the filtering zone, complete hermetic sealing of access, with complete immersion of the node under conjunctiva.1 cl, 2 exИзобретение относится к области медицины, а именно к