A unique scraper assembly for the disc of a furrow opener features anobstruction carried at inner side of the scraper body in a position trailingbehind theleading scraper edge to prevent straw from accumulating in the space betweenthedisc and scraper near the leading scraper edge, to block seed or other productdelivered into the furrow from skipping forward into this space, to reducewear on theleading scraper edge by increasing an area of pressured contact with the discduringside loading of the scraper, and/or provide lubricated contact with the discto reducerotational resistance during side loading. In some embodiments, theobstruction isdefined by a separate insert of distinct material composition from thescraper. Adiscrete wing member is welded to the scraper at a pre-determined positionthereondetermined by fitting of the wing member into a mating slot in the scraper.