Compounds 4 - phenyl substituted pyridines, NK1 receptor modulators; Preparation procedure; Pharmaceutical Composition and its use in the treatment of emesis, bladder Dysfunction, depression or anxiety
Disclosed are compounds, compositions and methods for the prevention and/or treatment of diseases which are pathophysiologically mediated by the neurokinin (NK1) receptor. The compounds have the general formula (I):<;p>;LA SOLICITUD SE REFIERE A COMPUESTOS DERIVADOS DE 4-FENIL-PIRIDINAS SUSTITUIDAS, MODULADORES DEL RECEPTOR NK1, A UN PROCESO DE FABRICACIÓ;N, A UNA COMPOSICIÓ;N Y COMBINACIÓ;N FARMACÉ;UTICA QUE LOS COMPRENDE Y A SU USO EN EL TRATAMIENTO DE EMESIS, DISFUNCIÓ;N VESICAL, DEPRESIÓ;N O ANSIEDAD<;/p>;