SHMELEVA, Elena Alexandrovna,ШМЕЛЕВА, Елена Александровна
The invention relates to bioengineering. The symbiotic strain Corynebacterium diphtheriae tox - №108 was isolated from a bacteria-carrying angina patient in Clinical Hospital for Infectious Diseases №1, Moscow. The strain is harmless, nonreactogenic, does not have any allergic properties, and the antigens of the strain increase the resistance of a macroorganism to infectious diseases. The strain Corynebacterium diphtheriae tox - №108 has been deposited in the State Collection of Microorganisms of Normal Microflora (SCNM) of the Federal Budgetary Institute for Science G.N. Gabrichevskii Moscow Scientific and Research Institute for Epidemiology and Microbiology [MNIIEM] of the Federal Inspectorate Service for Consumer Rights Protection and Personal Welfare [Rospotrebnadzor] under №381. The invention makes it possible to produce nonspecific resistance in agricultural animals to infectious diseases of a bacterial or viral nature, which makes it possible to reduce the illness rate in agricultural animals, to reduce the use of other medicinal preparations, including reactogenic vaccines and antibiotics which result in sensitization of an organism, secondary immunodeficiencies, disorders of the microecology of the intestine (dysbiosis) and an increase in the density of circulation of highly pathogenic, antibiotic-resistant strains of microorganisms.Linvention concerne les biotechnologies. La souche symbiotique Corynebacterium diphtheriae tox - №108 est isolée dun patient porteur de bactéries et atteint dune angine, à lHôpital des Maladies Infectieuses N°1 de Moscou. La souche est inoffensive, non réactogène, ne présente aucune propriété allergique, et les antigènes de la souche augmentent la résistance dun macroorganisme aux maladies infectieuses. La souche Corynebacterium diphtheriae tox - №108 a été déposée à la Collection Nationale de Microorganismes de la Microflore Normale (CNMN) de lInstitut Budgétaire Fédéral pour la Science, Institut Scientifique et de Recherche en