PURPOSE: AN extract of fermented stetaria italic is provided to promote creating collagen and inhibiting the activity of tyrosinase, compared with a particle for whitening and anti aging effect. CONSTITUTION: A cosmetic composition for a whitening and anti-aging effect comprises setaria italic fermented by the strain of Bifidobacterium sp or Lactobacillus sp. The strain is Bifidobacterium longum or Lactobacillus bulgaricus. The extracts of stetaria italic are made by pulverizing setaria italic and adding the same with water for 1-12 hours. And wetting and sterilizing the stetaria italic extracts at 121°;C for 15minutes. The stetaria italic extracts are made after injecting the strain fermenting the same in temperature from 10-40°;C. The cosmetic composition contains the extracts of fermented stetaria italic(0.001-30 weight %) against the total weight. The composition is manufactured for the following types: a skin softener, a skin toner, an astringent, a lotion, a moisturizing lotion, a nutritive lotion, a massage cream, a nutritive cream, a moisturizing cream, a hand cream, a foundation, a skin essence, a nutritive skin essence, a pack, a soap, a foam cleanser, a cleansing lotion, a cleansing cream, a body lotion or a body cleanser.본 발명은 발효 조 추출물을 함유하는 화장료 조성물에 관한 것으로, 비피도박테리움 속(Bifidobacteriumsp.) 또는 락토바실러스 속(Lactobacillussp.) 균주에 의해 발효된 조(Setariaitalica)의 추출물을 포함하는 피부 미백 또는 주름개선용 화장료 조성물에 관한 것이다.본 발명의 발효된 조의 추출물은 종래의 미백, 주름개선 성분에 비하여 향상된 티로시나제 활성 억제 효과 및 콜라겐 생성을 촉진 효과를 나타낸다.