A finger glove for use in strengthening a gripping movement of a human handenclosed in the glove, wherein the glove has a palm, glove fingers on eachsidecontaining an artificial tendon extending along the inside of the glove, ayokefitted in the tip of the glove fingers intended to surround the tip of anenclosedfinger, at each side of said glove finger artificial tendons connected to saidyoke,a force detecting sensor adapted to detect a force between a finger enclosedinthe glove finger and a contact surface applied to said finger, the artificialtendonsfor a glove finger being connected to at least one actuator and a control unitcausing said actuator to exert a pulling force on the artificial tendons ofthe glovefinger on the basis of a force detected in the force detecting sensor, wherebythefinger enclosed in the glove finger is caused to bend.