Compositions and Methods for drying to preserve Sensitive bioactive Materials, such as Peptides, Proteins, Nucleic Acids, Antibodies, Hormones, Drugs, vaccines, Yeast, bacteria, probiotic (or other), virus and / or cell suspensions, during Storage.The compositions include a carbohydrate Component and a component Vitreous Enhancer, where the carbohydrate Component includes a mixture of disaccharides, Oligosaccharides and polysaccharides, and the vitreous ion Enhancer includes organic acid and hydrolyzed protein. The composition is prepared by the solid dispersion of all components in a solution.The solution freezes instantaneously by means known in the Art, such as liquid nitrogen or dry ice to form Small Pearls, Chains or droplets. Pearls can be stored Frozen in a Ultra Low Temperature freezer (- 30 to - 80oC) for use in a Frozen State or can be placed in trays in a Frozen State for conventional dried in a lyophilizer.The preferred method of Drying can be optionally via a Purge Structural Stabilization stage and Short Duration of the frozen particles under a vacuum pressure <; 2000 mtorr and then through a primary Drying Stage at a vacuum pressure of more >; 2000 mtorr and a desired temperature.During the stage of Secondary Drying end of material, there is a MAXIMUM PRESSURE Vacuum and high temperature to obtain a final desirable water activity of dried material.Composiciones y métodos de secado para conservar materiales bioactivos sensibles, como péptidos, proteínas, hormonas, ácidos nucleicos, anticuerpos, fármacos, vacunas, levadura, bacterias (probióticas o de otro tipo), virus y/o suspensiones celulares, durante el almacenamiento. Las composiciones incluyen un componente de carbohidrato y un componente potenciador vítreo, en donde el componente de carbohidrato incluye una mezcla de disacáridos, oligosacáridos y polisacáridos, y el potenciador vítreo incluye iones de ácido orgánico y hidrolisados de proteínas. La composición se prepara mediante la dispersió