The loading device for making samples of dental luting material belongs to dentistry and can be used to determine the film thickness and adhesive strength. The device contains a body, base, clamping part, lever and weight. In this case, the base and the clamping part are located on the body in the upper part of the device. The load is located under the base with the ability to move when changing the position of the lever by means of a cable. The clamping part is made movable in the form of a truncated cylinder with the possibility of balancing on a shaft connected to the load. The proposed device provides a uniform distribution of dental material between the plates and the formation of a film of the same thickness over the entire area due to the compensation of distortions due to the non-parallelism of the plates through the use of a movable clamping part. The technical result is to expand the possibility of using a loading device for determining, along with the film thickness, also the adhesive strength of the dental material under study to materials used, for example, for the manufacture of fixed dentures, such as stainless steel, cobalt-chromium alloy, zirconium dioxide, etc. ., by providing the possibility of making standardized samples of dental material and obtaining test results with a low value of the coefficient of variation, even when using non-flat-parallel plates.Устройство нагружающее для изготовления образцов стоматологического фиксирующего материала относится к стоматологии и может быть использовано при определении толщины пленки и адгезионной прочности. Устройство содержит корпус, основание, прижимную часть, рычаг и груз. При этом основание и прижимная часть расположены на корпусе в верхней части устройства. Груз расположен под основанием с возможностью перемещения при изменении положения рычага посредством троса. Прижимная часть выполнена подвижной в виде усечённого цилиндра с возможностью балансировки на валу, соединенным с грузом. Предложенное