Here, we present a specific and novel method for treating cancer by eliciting an anti-tumor immune response in cancer patients. Specifically, this technique involves subcutaneous “auto-im-transplantation” of chimeric murine-human tumors, created in PDX mice, back to the original donor patients. This is an approach to personalized cancer therapy, which does not require identification of specific tumor associated antigens. Based on the fundamental principles of immunology, we anticipate that the autoimplanted PDX tumor will stimulate an intense immune response in the original donor patient—including activation of “xenoreactive” lymphocytes and, in turn, a “bystander” activation of anti-tumor immune response lymphocytes, which we anticipate that a response generated in this manner will become systemic and target other similar malignant cells in the patient. Once such an immune response is activated, it is expected to promote overall regression, or cure, of the malignant state by killing in cancerous cells in the donor cancer patient.