Composition suitable for the control of Plant Diseases caused by phytopathogenic, method for controlling diseases on useful plants or material propagation caused by pathogens, and Method for controlling plant Diseases caused by phytopathogenic (Division of soybean The application form of 2008 - 1185)
A composition suitable for control of diseases caused by phytopathogens comprising (A) a compound of formula I wherein R 1 is difluoromethyl or trifluoromethyl and X is chloro, fluoro or bromo; and (B) at least one compound selected from compounds known for their fungicidal activity; and a method of controlling diseases on useful plants, especially rust diseases on soybean plants.<;p>;COMPOSICIÓ;N ADECUADA PARA EL CONTROL DE ENFERMEDADES EN PLANTAS CAUSADAS POR FITOPATÓ;GENOS QUE COMPRENDE (A) UN COMPUESTO DE FORMULA 1 DONDE RL ES DIFLUORMETILO O TRIFLUORMETILO Y X ES CLORO, FLÚ;OR O BROMO; Y EL COMPUESTO CIPRODINIL; MÉ;TODO PARA CONTROLAR ENFERMEDADES EN PLANTAS Ú;TILES O EN SU MATERIAL DE PROPAGACIÓ;N CAUSADAS POR FITOPATÓ;GENOS, Y MÉ;TODO PARA CONTROLAR ENFERMEDADES EN PLANTAS DE SOJA CAUSADAS POR FITOPATÓ;GENOS.<;/p>;