Агафонов Анатолий Васильевич (RU),Жилинский Сергей Леонидович (RU),Музалев Александр Васильевич (RU),Панченко Ростислав Карпович (RU),Посыпкин Олег Алексеевич (RU),Петракова Ирина Николаевна (RU),Сафь
utility model proposed for protection applies to the hyperbaric medical technology and is designed for mechanical ventilation with hyperbaric oxygen therapy, ie, for therapeutic and prophylactic treatments in a hyperbaric chamber oxygen. The proposed decision is aimed at improving the operational reliability and efficiency of the treatment, the expansion of therapeutic possibilities. This is achieved in that for installation in a pressure chamber unit ventilator comprising a filter coupled across the switch with the ventilation unit connected to the frequency controller having an adjustable control valve, a minute volume valve, and connected through the safety and emergency valves to the breathing valve, through the connected sensor to volumetry pressure alarm signaling unit in the airways and in the system itself with color and sound indicators, the apparatus is provided with a circuit- they pnevmoregulyatorom placed between the switch and the ventilation unit backbone, linking with the atmosphere automatically pnevmoregulyator and the frequency controller, the latter is connected to the block emergency pressure alarm, audible indicator which is equipped with a suppression unit from interrupting the button, wherein a terminating button, and regulators control cardiac output valve and frequency displayed outside pressure chamber. The ventilator is a small size device assembled exclusively of pneumatic elements and placed inside the pressure chamber. Regulatory elements arranged pressure chambers is allow to change the frequency and the respiratory minute volume during the treatment session. Expansion of treatment capacity is achieved by providing the possibility of holding sessions of hyperbaric oxygen therapy for patients with impaired respiratory function.Предлагаемая к защите полезная модель относится к медицинской гипербарической технике и предназначена для проведения искусственной вентиляции легких при гипербарической оксигенации, т.е. для проведения лечебных и