1. A method for determining the angle of divergence of the electrical axis of the heart, characterized in that the initial vectors are determined by the electric field in the heart pairs of projections on the standard exhaust, respectively, to I and II, II and III, III and I pair of leads, after which the angles defined between the obtained vectors , the largest of the three angles is taken as the angle of divergence of the heart electric axis, with possible definition of divergence angle as a torque electrical axis of the heart, for the selected points in time and the total angle of divergence in projectors defined for each lead as the area under the ECG waveform withdrawn divided by the time interval selected EKG.2 curve. A method according to claim 1, characterized in that the initial vectors of the electric field of the heart are determined by the projections on the exhaust reinforced aVR, aVL, aVF, aVR, respectively, for pairs and aVL, aVL and aVF, aVF and aVR, and then determines the angle between the obtained vectors the largest of the three angles is taken as the angle of divergence of the heart electric axis, with possible definition of divergence angle as a torque cardiac electrical axis and divergence angle of the total vector is determined for each lead as the area under the ECG waveform withdrawn divided by vre I selected interval EKG.3 curve. A method according to claim 1, characterized in that the initial vectors are determined for leads I, II, III, aVR, aVL, aVF, and I, respectively aVR, aVR and II, II, and aVF, aVF and III, III and aVL, aVL and I, and then determines the angle between the obtained vectors, most of the 15 angles and the divergence angle is taken as the cardiac electrical axis, it being possible as a definition of divergence angle torque heart electric axis,1. Способ определения угла расхождения электрической оси сердца, характеризующийся тем, что определяются исходные векторы электрического поля сердца по парам проекций на стандартны