The present disclosure concerns implants and a process for making same thatcanheal and seal a wound during surgery. The implant comprises a porous layer, afirsthydrogel precursor, a second hydrogel precursor layer containing a secondhydrogeland optionally a non-porous layer. In the implant, the first hydrogelprecursor ispresent in a layer selected from the porous layer and the non-porous layer,the firstand second hydrogel precursors are capable of taking part in a reaction toform ahydrogel and are intended to be reacted with each other, the second hydrogellayerdefines a uniform or non-uniform coating of at least one layer selected fromtheporous layer and the non-porous layer and the first and second hydrogelprecursorsare spatially separated from each other to prevent the hydrogel precursorsfromreacting with each other until the implant is placed at the site ofimplantation andexposed to the physiological fluids of a patient.