The structure improvement of an anti-fouling underwear is mainly provided with a waterproof layer and an absorbing layer on the bottom of the trouser body. When the user wears, in addition to absorbing the body layer, the body fluid generated by the human body, including but not only Limited to menstrual blood or secretions, it can also prevent the body fluid from penetrating out of the trousers through the barrier of the waterproof layer. Furthermore, the design of the water-repellent layer is folded upwards to prevent the body fluid from penetrating out of the trousers.一種防污內褲之結構改良,其主要是在褲體之底部上依序設置有一防水層與一吸收層,當使用者穿戴時,除了可透過吸收層來吸收人體所產生之體液,包括但不僅限於經血或分泌物,更可透過防水層之阻擋達到避免體液滲透出褲體之目的,再者,透過防水層之邊緣向上反摺之設計,更可加強防止體液滲透出褲體。