1. Non-invasive device for measuring bilirubin in a subject, comprising: at least one radiation source for irradiating the living tissue of the subject, wherein said at least one light source configured to emit radiation at least at two different wavelengths waves (first and second), at least one sensor for detecting the rays which have passed through said tissue means for applying pressure to the blanching section to the living tissue of the subject, means for measuring the thickness of the living tissue portion of the subject through which the radiation passes and means for processing data associated with said at least one radiation source, said at least one sensor and the said thickness measuring means, characterized in that said data processing means adapted to calculate bilirubin said subject using data received from said at least one sensor and from said measuring means tolschiny.2. Apparatus according to claim 1, characterized in that the means for applying pressure to a blanching device includes one of a group that includes a pair of rotating arms, moving or rotating one lever and clamp or forceps configured to couple to the tissue to be izmereniyu.3. Apparatus according to claim 1, characterized in that said at least two different wavelengths include the first wavelength (λ1) in the range of 520 nm ± 5 nm and the second wavelength (λ2) in the range 470 nm ± 10 nm.4 . The apparatus according to claim 1, characterized in that said at least one light source including1. Неинвазивное устройство для измерения уровня билирубина у субъекта, содержащее:по меньшей мере, один источник излучения для облучения живой ткани субъекта, причем указанный, по меньшей мере, один источник излучения сконфигурирован с возможностью испускать излучение, по меньшей мере, на двух разных длинах волн (первой и второй)по меньшей мере, один датчик для обнаружения лучей, прошедших через указанную тканьсредства для прикладывания давления до побледнения к участку живой ткани субъектасредства