The invention relates to an optronic system for identifying an objectcomprising a photosensitive sensor (42), communication means (21, 22) anda computerized processing means (1) to reconstruct the object in threedimensions on the basis of the images captured by the sensor and to identifythe object on the basis of the reconstruction. The photosensitive sensorrecords images of the object representing the intensity levels of anelectromagnetic radiation reflected by the surface of the object (5) capturedfrom several observation angles (61, 62) around the object (5) and thecommunication means (21, 22) transmit the said images to the computerizedprocessing means (1) so as to reconstruct the object in three dimensions bymeans of a tomography function configured so as to process the said imagesof the object representing the intensity levels of an electromagneticradiationreflected by the surface of the object.