This information processing device allows quickly moving a transceiver unit of a tomography device probe to a blood vessel position of the surgeons choice. In a fluoroscopic image of a blood vessel, which is configured from one or more frames and imaged while a probe having a transceiver unit is inserted into the blood vessel, the position of the image of the transceiver unit included in each frame is acquired. At least one of the frames of the fluoroscopic image is displayed. In the frame of the fluoroscopic image displayed, a user-indicated blood vessel position is acquired. A frame of the fluoroscopic image which contains an image of the transceiver unit which is in a position nearer the user-indicated blood vessel position is specified. The position of the transceiver unit in the blood vessel length direction when the specified frame was imaged is acquired, and a transceiver unit move command is sent to the tomography device so that the tomography device transceiver unit in the blood vessel length direction assumes the same position as that of the transceiver unit in the blood vessel length direction when the specified frame was imaged.