Compounds derived from 2 - il carboxamidas fluorometilo substituted pyrrole, blockers OF VOLTAGE activated calcium channels; Pharmaceutical Composition and use for prophylaxis and / or treatment of Pain Related Disorders, Personality Disorder, Stroke, Epilepsy, Schizophrenia, and Neurodegenerative disorders.
The Invention relates to the carboxamidas pyrrole with a fraction of fluorometilo as blockers of calcium channels Activated by Voltage, to pharmaceutical compositions containing these compounds and to the use of these compounds for the prophylaxis and / or treatment of Pain and other S Diseases and / or conditions.<;p>;Se describen compuesstos derivados de pirrol carboxamido sustituido que son bloqueadores ca canales de calcio activados por voltaje. Tambié;n se describen composiciones farmacé;uticas que los comprende estos compuestos y el uso de los mismos en el tratamiento del dolor, la apoplejí;a, los trastorno de personalidad, la epilepsia, la esquizofrenia y los trastornos neurodegenerativos.<;/p>;