Methods for identifying and addressing inefficiencies in agriculturalproduction activities causedby physical obstacles in the target field. A method and system is disclosedfor determining anoptimized travel path for an agricultural implement, specifically in thepresence of an obstacle orobstruction such as an access road, oil well or public utility infrastructure.The method mayfurther comprise means for determining the impact of such obstacle orobstruction on productionfrom the agricultural land, as well as means for determining an optimizedimplement type andconfiguration. One or more travel path plans may be generated for selection ofone by anagricultural producer. The method may also comprise means for determining anoptimizedlocation or position within a plot of land for an obstacle or obstruction thathas not yet beenconstructed, as a way to reduce or alleviate the negative impact of suchobstacle or obstructionon production from the plot of land.